Best Loan Apps For Students
Student loans can be a financial burden for many college graduates, but there are ways to make paying them off easier. Apps exist that assist you with money management and saving, while others generate extra cash that you can use towards paying off your debts.
Fidelity Spire is one of the best student loan apps, as it allows you to invest your money and generate extra income that can be put towards paying off debt quickly. This method helps you pay off those student loans more quickly.
StuCred is a student credit app that helps you maximize your money in hand. Its features include low loans, an easy application process and a gamifying loan repayment program that rewards users with virtual gifts like free movies, dinners and spa treatments. Founded by siblings Henna Jain and Jaijash Tatia after they were inspired by their own experiences within the financial services sector, the company now boasts over 93 colleges on board and plans to expand soon.
The StuCred app is a mobile application that utilizes cutting-edge technology to offer its students student loans. Its standout feature is that it doesn’t charge interest and its customer service rivals any reputable bank.
BadaBro is one of the best loan apps for students that provides them with fast cash when needed. This app works on Android devices and offers a straightforward application process with no hidden charges.
Additionally, this software includes features tailored towards student life such as account statements and credit reporting to help improve credit scores and keep tabs on finances.
BadaBro provides various repayment options to ensure you make your payments on time and stay within budget. Furthermore, it permits tax deductions on loan interest paid.
CashBean is an instant loan app that provides users with several convenient repayment options. Users can apply for loans within minutes and receive their money via SMS after verification.
Opera Limited’s 100 per cent subsidiary launched operations in India last year and offers loans to borrowers with an active phone number from India and monthly income of up to Rs 56 lakh.
Charges up to 33 percent interest and has a repayment period ranging from 15 days to two months. Furthermore, it uses 256-bit SSL encryption for security, protecting customers’ personal information.
P C Financial Services Private Limited, registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), operates this NBFC and offers 24/7 online loan access.
PocketSmith is a financial planning software program that utilizes visual cues to help you comprehend how your current decisions impact the future. It features a calendar-like interface for displaying budgets and cash flow projections.
The free plan allows users to set budgets based on 12 spending categories. Paid plans offer more categories and auto-budgeting capabilities.
Premium and Super packages add automatic live bank feeds that access over 12,000 financial institutions worldwide, including major banks from the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand. The app automatically imports your accounts and categorizes all transactions for easy organization.
PocketSmith can calculate your net worth based on connected accounts and link assets and liabilities to generate an income and expense statement. Depending on which plan you select, PocketSmith will forecast your finances six months, 10 years, or 30 years into the future.
EveryDollar is a budgeting app designed to assist you with money management the Dave Ramsey way. It’s a zero-based tool that “gives every dollar a job.”
It boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it simple to get started. Furthermore, it provides various features designed to make budgeting simpler and more efficient, such as financial goals and automatic expense tracking.
The downside of EveryDollar is that it only permits monthly budgets. While this may not be a problem for some users, those whose income fluctuates month to month may find this limitation challenging.